Diet & Love can help your manly mane! by Dave Smith

If you think about it what you eat and drink and how that it affects your skin and your sweat every day then it has a huge impact on your beloved facial hair. Remember how those 8 pints and that greasy kebab with garlic mayo and chilli sauce the night before seeps through your pores the following day fuelling the need for a hot shower? Well, then how do you think that is going to affect your hair growth?

By eating and drinking the right foods will increase healthy and effective hair growth with the most prominent ingredient being folic acid.

By being mindful of what’s on your plate and increasing the amount of folic acid intake in your diet, you could see a significant difference in your facial hair’s growth.

Folic acid (and folate) is a water-soluble vitamin B. Folate occurs naturally in food and folic acid is the synthetic form of folate. Food sources include dark leafy greens, cereals, pasta, beans, mushrooms, organ meat, orange juice, tomato juice and more.

Also, biotin is helpful in beard growth because a deficiency in it can actually lead to hair loss! Also known as vitamin H, biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help the body convert food into energy.

Biotin can be found in liver, fish, cauliflower, beans, oysters, carrots, bananas, egg yolks, soy flour, and more. Other foods that can help to stimulate facial hair growth include beef, potatoes, Brazil nuts, raisins, gelatine, and sorghum.

So, make sure you’re getting enough of these foods in your diet every day to give your beard the nutrients it needs and you're on the path to bearded glory my friend.

A good supply of all the vitamins and minerals you need to encourage optimal hair growth. Vitamins A, C and E will all contribute and can be found in the likes of sweet potatoes, oranges and spinach respectively, while B3 and B7 are also important (avocados are a good source). If ever you needed an excuse to fill that plate up a little bit more, then this is it.

Got the secret to a beautiful beard? Tried any other beard growth techniques that have worked for you? We’d love to know so comment and tell us what’s on your mind.
